Information in English

In order to have access to electricity in your home, you need two contracts, one for the electricity network (elnät) and one for electricity supply (elhandel).

Electricity network

You sign the electricity network contract with the company that owns the electricity network in the area of your home. This contract is not optional – you must have one. Bodens Energi Nät AB is responsible and owns for the electricity network in the Municipality of Boden. 

If you are moving to or from an address included in our electricity network in Boden, you need to report this to us as soon as possible so that we can draw up a new contract for you – or terminate the old one.

We at Bodens Energi Nät AB, will help you with your electricity network contract. For assistance, e-mail us at [email protected] or give us a call on +46 (0) 921 -582 00.

Electricity supply

You also need a contract for your electricity supply. This contract handles the volume of electricity you use in your residence.

The electricity market (elhandelsmarknaden) in Sweden is deregulated, which means that you can choose whichever electricity supply company you want. If you have not made a choice when moving to Boden and you enter into an electricity network contract, you are automatically allocated to our electricity supply company Bodens Energi AB and receive a allocated price contract (anvisat avtal). This is an agreement with no binding period, and you can change the form of contract whenever you want.

Our recommendation is to choose which price model you prefer for your electricity supply contract.

Bodens Energis electricy supply contracts

  • Fast elpris (fixed price)
    Combines small risk with great security. With Fast elpris you get fewer price peaks so that you avoid the biggest fluctuations in the electricity market. This is a permanent contract with a 6-month to 5-year fixed term.
  • Rörligt elpris (variable price)
    This means that the price changes during the year. Electricity is usually more expensive in winter than in summer. This is an agreement with no binding period, and you can change the form of contract whenever you want.
  • Timpris (hourly rate)
    This means that the price changes every hour of the day. Electricity is usually more expensive in day than in night. This is an agreement with no binding period, and you can change the form of contract whenever you want.

We at Bodens Energi AB are happy to help you set up a favorable electricity supply contract. For assistance and enquiries, e-mail us at [email protected] or give us a call on +46 (0) 921 -582 00. You can also order electricity supply contract here (in Swedish).


The invoice is sent with payment terms 20 days and must be paid within the specified due date to our:

  • Bankgiro 5476-7314
  • IBAN: SE76 9500 0099 6042 0127 2053

You can receive the inovice by post, email or Kivra.

If you have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) and an account in a bank in Sweden you can register for e-invoice or direct debit.

The claim for electricity network fees is transferred to Bodens Energi AB.


If you don’t have a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) or coordination number (samordningsnummer), we request a prepayment for your new contract/contracts.

The deposit refers to the estimated total electricity cost for 4 months for your residence.

In the event of non-payment, the residence may be disconnected from electricity.